Varvara Pekhota & Maroua Gaddur
24.1.2025 - 24.2.2025
The doctor called, the results came in.  he says that   im laying severe coughing, hit by car.   Is your body  insured?  As my kilobytes. take a pill.  injured hurting idle. Paracetamol.  Folders and folders and folders they are whispering. tonic seizure. Hit by car.  In het werk [sickly{sweet}(de)composing, gemaakt door derdejaarsstudenten Varvara Pekhota en Maroua Gaddur van de opleiding Design Art Technology aan ArtEZ, zijn verschillende 3D-animaties te zien waarin een menselijk lichaam digitaal vastgelegd is en gemanipuleerd wordt. De video-installatie zal vanaf de Uitnacht enkele weken te zien zijn in de tentoonstellingsetalage van SWSWS69.
Open screen at SWSWS69
20:00 - late
Come share your favorite online videos on the big screen and enjoy good company and cheap drinks, or bring your own.
This night we’ll be doing what most us already do on a daily basis: sharing funny, interesting or surprising online videos with each other. But now we’re bringing it in-person to our studio space!
Come by on Friday 20th of September, hook up your phone to the big screen at our studio and share what’s in your TikTok likes, Saved posts on Instagram or Twitter Bookmarks. You can shortly introduce your videos if you want, but you don’t have to. So bring your best content and some friends.